16 July 2024

216Pcs 3mm Magnetic Ball set

Product Identifiers

216Pcs 3mm Magnetic Ball Set Magic Magnet Cube Building Toy for Stress Relief

Sold by "RDFurnishings" (RD Furnishings Inc) via dicksmith.co.nz. Items may be described on invoices and customer order history as either: 1) 216Pcs 3mm Magnetic Ball Set Magic Magnet Cube Building Toy for Stress Relief Silver Color 2) 216Pcs 3mm Magnetic Ball Set Magic Magnet Cube Building Toy for Stress Relief Silver Color

Sold at dicksmith.co.nz.

Responsible Agency


The Hazard!

The product does not comply with the Unsafe Goods (Small High-Powered Magnets) Indefinite Prohibition Notice 2014, meaning that small high-powered magnets can pose a serious health risk if swallowed.

What to do...

The product should be securely stored out of reach of children, and Kogan recommends that you cease using the product, and contact place of purchase to arrange product return and a full refund.

Product Identifiers

216Pcs 3mm Magnetic Ball Set Magic Magnet Cube Building Toy for Stress Relief

Sold by "RDFurnishings" (RD Furnishings Inc) via dicksmith.co.nz. Items may be described on invoices and customer order history as either: 1) 216Pcs 3mm Magnetic Ball Set Magic Magnet Cube Building Toy for Stress Relief Silver Color 2) 216Pcs 3mm Magnetic Ball Set Magic Magnet Cube Building Toy for Stress Relief Silver Color

Sold at dicksmith.co.nz.

Responsible Agency
