2 September 2024

Euroblade Suntower Infared Heater- Sundear Sunmore-H 2000

Product Identifiers

Check if your heater is a Euroblade Suntower Model “Sundear
Sunmore–H 2000” - you will find this identifier on the rear side of
the unit at the base.

Supplier Contact


Responsible Agency


The Hazard!

The identified hazard is that it exceeds NZ safety standards for proximity of objects in front of the heater at 500mm distance.
Despite the heater being electrically safe - If the heater is used in close proximity (500mm or less) to objects fixed or otherwise the residual heat on the objects exceeds the required NZ standard for portable heaters

What to do...

Discontinue use and await further instruction from the importer/supplier (Southern Cross Promotions Ltd).

The importer/supplier is currently working with the manufacturer on the item being retested with additional safety hardware that will be supplied to all Euroblade Suntower owners free of charge by courier upon re-certification. This is expected to be the week of Monday 16th September 2024 and this remedy will allow the user to fix the unit in a permanent location. If this is not suitable, customers will be able to exchange the unit for another heater in the Euroblade range or request a full refund. 

Check if your heater is a Euroblade Suntower Model “Sundear Sunmore–H 2000” - you will find this identifier on the rear side of the unit at the base.

  • If you have this heater, stop using it.
  • If the heater is plugged into a wall socket, switch off the power at the socket, unplug it.

Southern Cross Promotions Ltd will contact you again with further updates and instructions around the remedy, a replacement or refund. It is likely this remedial process will take a total of 4-6 weeks. 

Product Identifiers

Check if your heater is a Euroblade Suntower Model “Sundear
Sunmore–H 2000” - you will find this identifier on the rear side of
the unit at the base.

Supplier Contact


Responsible Agency
