Product Identifiers

Serial number range, manufactured between 01/12/23 - 17/05/24: HSN-C4-0002835 - HSNC4-0002874 - the serial number is located at the base of the inlet chute by the anvil.

Sold through Hansa Products Ltd dealership.

Supplier Contact

Hansa Products Ltd

Responsible Agency

The Hazard!

There have been instances of the bolts which fasten the blade to the cutting disk failing without warning - failure of the bolts which fasten the blade to the cutting disk could pose a risk to the safety of the machine operator or bystanders.

What to do...

Stop using the product immediately and contact the dealer that the machine was purchased from to arrange replacement of the blade bolts.

Product Identifiers

Serial number range, manufactured between 01/12/23 - 17/05/24: HSN-C4-0002835 - HSNC4-0002874 - the serial number is located at the base of the inlet chute by the anvil.

Sold through Hansa Products Ltd dealership.

Supplier Contact

Hansa Products Ltd

Responsible Agency