8 March 2023

3 IN 1 Four Wheels Baby Stroller & Compatible Baby Capsule with Base & Bassinet, and Baby Capsule with Base

Product Identifiers

Note: product may not have any branding.

Manufactured on 1ST May  2021.  You can identify the manufacture date from the top of the seat belt clip on the back.

Supplier Contact

TrulySupply NZ Ltd

Responsible Agency


The Hazard!

The infant capsule with base has warning, guidance labels, and the manufacture date paper label missing.

This lack of information could cause potential injury.

What to do...

Stop using the infant capsule with base and take it back to the TrulySupply store for a replacement.  For more questions, please don’t hesitate to contact TrulySupply.

Product Identifiers

Note: product may not have any branding.

Manufactured on 1ST May  2021.  You can identify the manufacture date from the top of the seat belt clip on the back.

Supplier Contact

TrulySupply NZ Ltd

Responsible Agency
