Product Identifiers

505.191.51 sku or ikea sniglar mentioned on packaging. sku 505.191.51 mention on mattress base together with word " IKEA "

Sold at Idiya Limited.

Supplier Contact

Idiya Limited

Responsible Agency

The Hazard!

There is an incorrect label on the mattress base - if used at an incorrect height, the cot can become a hazard for a child, posing a possibility of a child falling out of the cot.

What to do...

Contact Idiya Ltd at if you have purchased the Ikea sniglar cot from idiya ltd for a return and refund.

Product Identifiers

505.191.51 sku or ikea sniglar mentioned on packaging. sku 505.191.51 mention on mattress base together with word " IKEA "

Sold at Idiya Limited.

Supplier Contact

Idiya Limited

Responsible Agency