Product Identifiers

Olimpia Splendid Fan heaters
Caldo Relax 99316 & Caldo Whisper VH2000

Sold from 1 July 2019 to 24 June 2024 at:

  • Harvey Norman
  • 100% Group
  • Farmers Trading Group
  • Gary Anderson

Supplier Contact

Olimpia Splendid N Z

Responsible Agency

The Hazard!

Both heaters failed the normal operation and activated the protected device, this is no allowed. The Caldo Relax code 99316, the supply cord exceeded its temperature limits

Potential hazard could be that both heaters under extreme conditions can overheat and possible melt. 

What to do...

Stop using the heaters immediately and return the heaters back to the place of purchase for a refund

Product Identifiers

Olimpia Splendid Fan heaters
Caldo Relax 99316 & Caldo Whisper VH2000

Sold from 1 July 2019 to 24 June 2024 at:

  • Harvey Norman
  • 100% Group
  • Farmers Trading Group
  • Gary Anderson

Supplier Contact

Olimpia Splendid N Z

Responsible Agency