15 November 2019
Pelican 9410 and 9415 NiMH Flashlights
Product Identifiers
Pelican 9410 NiMH Flashlight Hand-held LED lantern 741 lumens with battery pack comprising 4 nickel metal hydride (NiMH) rechargeable Size C batteries Pelican 9415 NiMH Flashlight Hand-held LED lantern 588 lumens with battery pack comprising 4 nickel metal hydride (NiMH) rechargeable Size C batteries Model numbers 9410L and 9415iY are not affectedThe Hazard!
The battery pack for the flashlight may become unstable, overheat and explode while charging.
If the battery pack explodes it may propel fragments outwards with significant force, potentially causing an injury.
What to do...
Stop charging and using the products and return them for a replacement battery pack or flashlight.