Product Identifiers

Ray Foster Model Trimmer MT10 & MT12

Sold at Distributor - Henry Schein Dental from 15 Jan 2004 to 9 Oct 2023.

Supplier Contact

Henry Schein Regional Limited

Responsible Agency

The Hazard!

Testing to AS 61010.1 Safety Requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use, identified some areas of Non-Compliance to the Standard, specifically in relation to: • Testing in Single Fault Conditions • Protection Against Electric Shock • Protection Against Mechanical Hazards • Protection Against the Spread of Fire •
Components i.e. motor temperatures, switches etc.

Electric shock, and potential electrocution may be caused by inhalation of intoxicating fumes from the capacitor which may result in fire or spark.

What to do...

The Units must be returned or destroyed, and evidence of destruction provided to Supplier.

Product Identifiers

Ray Foster Model Trimmer MT10 & MT12

Sold at Distributor - Henry Schein Dental from 15 Jan 2004 to 9 Oct 2023.

Supplier Contact

Henry Schein Regional Limited

Responsible Agency