Report an unsafe product form
If you believe a product is unsafe, you should contact the retailer or supplier. You can also let us know.
- We review every report we receive. We may contact the business as a result of your report, and we may share information about the product you’ve reported as potentially unsafe. We will not share your name or contact details with the business.
- We can remind the business of their obligations to consumers and what they need to do if they want to make a voluntary recall of a product.
- We will use your report to help us build a picture of the product safety environment in New Zealand, which is used to inform enforcement decisions.
What we can't do
We can't:
- investigate each report we receive
- make decisions about the safety of the product you have reported
- take an action against the business
- help to resolve disputes with business
- deal with product safety issues relating to food, medicines, energy or vehicles. If we refer your report to another agency, we'll let you know so that you can follow up with them.
You won't be able to submit this form until you have completed the required fields (indicated by *).
*Required fields